The coronavirus crisis is a world-changing event. Here are sevenelements for business leaders to consider as they plan for thenext normal. April 2020 by Kevin Sneader and Shubham Singhal story found HERE The coronavirus crisis is a world-changing event. Here are seven elements for business leaders to consider as theyContinue Reading

Process Improvement

A few years ago, one of the Service Department Operations I was responsible for was a chronic under-performer.  Our customer satisfaction ratings were deplorable, technician turnover was at seventy percent, technician efficiency was below forty percent, and our service manager and service writer turnover were three hundred percent in oneContinue Reading

Article by Rod Owens – DFS Solutions – It is tempting to ignore one step of the sales process: financing. After all, there are lots of lenders and brokers out there that promise to help you get your customers a lease or loan for their equipment. While you mayContinue Reading

This is one of the biggest challenges any dealership operation seems to have.  How often have we heard a sales department say to a customer: “Those darn service people, they never deliver on time and they can’t fix anything”. How often have we heard the service department say to aContinue Reading

When you speak to most “Dealer Principals” and ask them, “what area of your business has the most room for improvement?”, it’s usually the Sales Department.  After many years of leading equipment dealer organizations, the root causes of these frustrations and average or poor results are almost always the same.Continue Reading

Finding the root of the problem and taking corrective action. Derrick is a long-term employee who works in your shipping department and is responsible for ensuring back-order shipments are filled the day parts arrive from the warehouse. He is also responsible for prioritizing all repair order parts while receiving stock.Continue Reading