The coronavirus crisis is a world-changing event. Here are sevenelements for business leaders to consider as they plan for thenext normal. April 2020 by Kevin Sneader and Shubham Singhal story found HERE The coronavirus crisis is a world-changing event. Here are seven elements for business leaders to consider as theyContinue Reading

Things your Business Continuity Plan Should Consider Much has changed since the time of my original writing of this article. As of now, due to the Covid-19 spread, most governments have made the decision to close all non-essential services and that has resulted, in many cases, in a further slowingContinue Reading

Over the years, I have led numerous dealership acquisitions in the Heavy Truck, Construction Equipment, Materials Handling and Agricultural dealership world.  Some of the biggest challenges we had were around people, culture and leadership, especially in the few critical months after the acquisition.   It became very apparent over several acquisitionsContinue Reading

How “Scenario Planning” saved the day. Several years ago, one of the dealership groups that I lead was a five store Construction Equipment operation in the province of Alberta.  This was a very strong group of stores with great customer loyalty and carrying tier one market share brands.  Our operationsContinue Reading

Article by Yvonne Thevenot Tapped for an executive appointment?  Job gone? Applying for your second-third role? Applying for a new role, new department Declined for a role? Been promoted overseas?….. The list goes on!   As we consider these crucial career moments it is almost guaranteed that if you have experiencedContinue Reading

This is one of the biggest challenges any dealership operation seems to have.  How often have we heard a sales department say to a customer: “Those darn service people, they never deliver on time and they can’t fix anything”. How often have we heard the service department say to aContinue Reading

Recently I was invited by a CEO and Board Chairman of a private company to discuss challenges they were having with organization succession.  In the discussion it was noted that the current process for CEO performance evaluation was primarily based on financial performance.  The CEO was an excellent performer whoContinue Reading

Finding the root of the problem and taking corrective action. Derrick is a long-term employee who works in your shipping department and is responsible for ensuring back-order shipments are filled the day parts arrive from the warehouse. He is also responsible for prioritizing all repair order parts while receiving stock.Continue Reading