The coronavirus crisis is a world-changing event. Here are sevenelements for business leaders to consider as they plan for thenext normal. April 2020 by Kevin Sneader and Shubham Singhal story found HERE The coronavirus crisis is a world-changing event. Here are seven elements for business leaders to consider as theyContinue Reading

Recently I was invited by a CEO and Board Chairman of a private company to discuss challenges they were having with organization succession.  In the discussion it was noted that the current process for CEO performance evaluation was primarily based on financial performance.  The CEO was an excellent performer whoContinue Reading

Key Performance Indicators (“KPIs)” are a very important part of any successful business.  Having measures that can look at performance in a specific area of your business is critical to knowing how well you are doing and how you compare to similar dealer operations in your industry.  Sharing and evaluatingContinue Reading