The timeline for companies to react to the Covid 19 has shrunk dramatically. Here are five principles that leaders can follow to make smart decisions quickly during the pandemic. by Andrea Alexander, Aaron De Smet, and Leigh Weiss —- McKinsey & Company article Leaders know that making good, fast decisionsContinue Reading

Things your Business Continuity Plan Should Consider Much has changed since the time of my original writing of this article. As of now, due to the Covid-19 spread, most governments have made the decision to close all non-essential services and that has resulted, in many cases, in a further slowingContinue Reading

Finding the root of the problem and taking corrective action. Derrick is a long-term employee who works in your shipping department and is responsible for ensuring back-order shipments are filled the day parts arrive from the warehouse. He is also responsible for prioritizing all repair order parts while receiving stock.Continue Reading